"Welcome to Awesome Sexy Souls"
A stadium of souls
This is a wall murial outside a restaurant that I visit mornings. It is a soccer game with 80,000 souls. At the game, they all have the same goals, purpose and intention. They come see the game and root for Thier teem. When they leave the game, you have 80,000 souls with 80,000 different goals, purposes and intentions. Imagine, 80,000 souls of like minded hearts, having the same goals, purposes and intentions.... Could this group of souls have an impact on the world for the betterment of humanity? No possible conflict between nations over resources, or difference between ideology. Could we then make this a better world for everyone? heart to heart
Primitive man, yes. The ability of his club to destroy was limited to the reach of his arm.
Primitive man, yes. The ability of his club to destroy was limited to the reach of his arm.
Today's humanity has a much more destructive club with the ability to wipe out an entire generation.
If we continue on our present path, what will our future generations inherit? More segregation, not just between neighborhoods, also between countries and nations. All this to protect ourselves from each other.
The scope of this website is to get back to basics. The path forward lies within each and everyone of us.
This is a Portal to self discovery.
Within our beingness, the true path can be found.
Dare to take journey of self discovery and take part in the construct of our universe.
the idea
A Portal to self discovery. The goal of ASSMEMBER is to help raise the awareness of self. In this way the member will be more at cause in the future of humanity.
Memberships will be opening soon. Make your reservations
our Merch
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